Denise has tagged me - yes, ME! I admit I do tend to shy away from these things but here goes - I hope I don't bore you !
* here I am sitting pondering the questions - wondering what to say . . . *
please bare with me - I have just discovered that I love Gauguin!
What were you doing 10 years ago?
gawd, with menopause, you expect me to remember? - hmm lets see - 1997....I was a busy mother of a nine year old daughter, running her to flute, brownies and various other after school activities. I was still searching for the meaning of life.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
blogging of course! what else? I actually looked back on my old blogs and that is about the time i was being witch hunted by the fundos... it near drove me insane but you know what? I have come a long way and I don't give a hoot anymore. I had just closed my very first blog *Daily Parcels* and had opened my witchy blog which is deleted now (that was a silly thing to do) - then I opened Driving Miss Robyn. yep, I have come a long, long way......
Five snacks you enjoy:
I love salada crackers with real butter, cheese & tomato and lots of cracked black pepper and celtic sea-salt. a nut selection that I buy at my local food co-op. air popped salted popcorn. and for sweets - banana bread with ricotta, walnuts and honey and lastly, which should really come first - chocolate !
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
I always thought I knew lyrics to alot of songs - but I don't.. you know,you sing something oneday and someone says - 'they aren't the words' - last week I was singing that song by Joni Mitchell - and I sang 'gay paradise' - my kids said - 'mum, its paved paradise' - I have been singing those words since I was a teenager. I do know most of the words to 'abide with me' - my grandma use to play it on the organ and taught me the words. I was going to have that sung at my funeral but the way I am now, I don't think so.
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
I really have no depends if I were a millionaire with lots of millions or one that won the lottery - if that were the case, I would set my children up..... so that I wouldn't have to 'worry' about them. Then I would take a long trip to Cornwall - and visit lots of places that I have read about....maybe buy myself a little cottage in the middle of nowhere..... I don't want alot, I don't need alot and does money really buy happiness?
Five bad habits:
I don't think I have bad 'habits' as such and by that I do not mean I am perfect... I am actually going to shy away from answering this as I am trying to focus on the positive in my life.
Five things you like doing:
I love to garden. Sometimes, I think gardening is the reason that I am here, truly. I haven't done any formal training, I just seem to know stuff.I have an inner knowledge that comes from somewhere. I like to have breakfast out with Joe on the weekend, we go to a little shop in Leura called 'the Gourmet Deli' and order the most amazing breakfast. It is lovely and quiet. I love to have a weekly massage. I love to have crystal chakra healing and balancing. I love to talk with my mum.
Five things you would never wear again:
definately a bikini, not a good look. Hot Pants - I had them back in the 1970's, when they were all the rage, my favourite pair were black which I wore with black boots, and lipstick that was all the rage called Black Tulip and eye shadow by Mary Quant which was yellow. I must have looked a sight, so definately no hot pants now. I would never go bra-less again, that is not a great sight either.
Five favourite toys:
my oracle cards, I have many decks and play with them every day. Oh and my crystals, they are something I love to play with and again, I have an inner knowledge of them, maybe I lived in Atlantis or Lemuria, once upon a time. I love to play with my garden tools. I would have to say all my art stuff, I play with that alot.... that is truly all I can think of ~ I guess I need to listen to the faeries, they keep telling me I need to play more. As a child my favourite toys were my koala and my dolly called Suzy.
i won't bother tagging anyone - I never know who likes to do these and who doesn't. So, grab it if you wish and have fun.
today I had my second class of Witch School. I was a little fragile today with the new moon in Cancer. But it was alot easier to deal with the emotions when I knew where they were coming from. We learnt (learned?) about the Wheel of the Year in Australia - even though we have the same basic wheel, our seasons are alot different to the Northern Hemisphere and also the moon names for our area. That was very interesting...I will probably be sharing that as we go through our year. It was surprising to hear some of the moon names for each month. Alot different to the Celtic names but they made alot of sense .. sometimes, i do struggle with the likes of wolf moon, when we don't have wolves in Australia.
*~* I hope your day is filled with butterflies, magick, colour & fripperies! ~*~