Laura is my connection to Cornwall... she was my Pa's mother. His name was Percival Arthur Truscott (I wonder if his name was chosen because of a link to Arthurian times?).. she has been guiding me on my family search for sometime and now I have Daisy on the other side helping as well... so I really can't lose.
and as it is Samhain for my friends in the Northern Hemisphere...there is no better time than "Halloween" to tell of my continuing family search...
From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
~ Cornish prayer
I have traced Laura's parents and our family tree - the Tregilgas Family tree back to 1408 and her mother, Elizabeth Curnow's family back to the 16th century - all in Cornwall..
I have had contact with many 'relatives' including a man in Florida who wrote me a letter about the Curnow Family Tree Project and he is willing to help me in my search.... I have relatives in Wales and Scotland... as well as other areas of England... many, many relatives in Cornwall...surnames in my Cornish Family tree include: Wills, Bettens, James, Dawn, Nicholl, Vibert, - this takes us back to the 15th century... anyone think they are related to me ??
I can just see Daisy clapping with glee as she sends all of this information to me!
This morning, I was sitting in my Sacred room, journalling, telling my journal that I was tired of this spiritual quest that I am on.. I wanted a break and I felt an iciness come over me... a true icy cold feeling.. 'Of course!', I thought to myself... 'Samhain' except here we are coming up to Beltane.. then I felt the spirit of my dad, then Daisy and then I saw my great Nan Laura.. who held my hands and pleaded with me not to give up.. she told me, that this search I am on to find my wild woman, to find who I am, is one that I am not only doing for myself but also to my ancestral women... those women who did not have the opportunity that I have... so I continue.
I joined in the Society of Secret faeries seasonal mail gift for Halloween and received mine last week.... I have no idea who sent mine, 'cause it is secret... but I just wanted to say that I loved opening the package.. it came at the right time for me.. some vintage goodies as well as teeny tiny bottle of faery dust which I am sure will come in handy! ... so a big thankyou to my secret faery who ever you are... plus lots of faery magick, blessings & joy being sent to you, on the whispers of the wind.... I loved the faery dust !