can you believe it? I don't have alot to say..
the Full Moon is coming up and I am not sleeping.. I woke early this morning to this:
a thick blanket of fog over Woodford..... middle of December. Not quite normal but is anything really normal anymore? Can we rely on the seasons being as they should be?.... so we learn to take each day as it comes.... seems Mother Nature is wise in teaching us this lesson.
on days like this, something ancient, stirs in my soul... a memory that makes me feel very close to Spirit. That makes me happy & joyful.... my soul actually melts in the heat and humidity of summer.. so I am very grateful that I do experience misty cold days quite often, living in the mountains.
Remember a few days ago, when I told about Australian Christmas bells? Gorgeous flowers that bloom at this time of year?..... well, the other day, I took myself for walk down the end of my road... past Eric's home, past Marion's home.. to the dirt track where the tiger snakes live... I faced my fears of dogs biting my ankles so that I could take photos, to show you just how gorgeous these plants are. They are not prolific.... just a few here or there and it is illegal to pick them from the National Park but it is ok to pick them if you own the land.
each plant produces only one stem per year. When I was little my Uncle owned quite alot of bushland and we always had a bunch of these on our table at Christmas time - perfect, don't you think?
tomorrow, I am going to pick a huge bunch of white agapanthus from the vacant block up the road and then I will go down to Marions to pick a large bunch of hydrangea flowers to decorate my home for Christmas. I am off early tomorrow to buy the special treats for Christmas day - the cashew and macadamia nuts, the licorice allsorts & the other treats that my family love.
but I am wondering about .... when so many people are celebrating the birth of Jesus who was supposed to be LOVE incarnate ..... why is it at this time of year that many people suffer broken hearts & lonliness? why do so many people rush around buying gifts for Christmas.. spending money that they don't really have... to give to others who don't really need anything but love.... when most of them (and I don't say this in a judgemental way) don't believe what the whole season is really about. I admit, that I don't believe that Jesus is my saviour... that is a hard thing to say on this blog... I could be hunted down again..... but I do believe that Jesus existed and was a loving soul... I don't even know if I am explaining what I really want to say here.
why is it at this time of Love and Peace that so many need counselling more than any other time of year?
It just saddens my heart to know that some of my friends are hurting right now and I want to hug them and make them better ~ if you are one who is hurting - grab my hand, I won't let go... all we need is LOVE and I am giving it from my heart to yours xoxo