
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Thursday 4 June 2009

many of us, Earth Healers - EarthKeepers

sometimes I think I could be delusional.. but what does that word mean? maybe I am a crazy person? or just a little eccentric. I don't know but what follows is something that has been happening to me for quite awhile now.

but backwards to the beginning.... where I use to sit on the end of my bed during the night.. my bed was under a window and sometimes at night I would wake up when everyone was asleep and kneel on the end of my bed, looking far out into the night..up at the twinkling stars and most probably the Moon... the night sky was like a deep bottomless pit. Full of magick and so wise. I still remember wondering to my small self, why I was here. I have never stopped wondering. as you know.

I am truly beginning to believe that through out our lives we are placed where we are for different reasons .. circumstances over the years have lead me to where I am now. All those workshops I have done, my Cornish ancestry, my love of the garden, my concern about the world...all pointing to Earth keeping. even having Dutch husband.. who supports me on my journey and is always, always willing to build whatever it is that I may need in my garden... this even supports my mission, my purpose.

a view from my front verandah.. taken early morning, a little misty but this is what I see over the top of our garage ~ I see similar from my back yard

I believe that I was sent here to Woodford, at this time of my life, to help heal Mother Earth... to heal my little area that I call Inglewood which in turn will send ripples of healing out to the world... my home sits atop a ridge that is part of the Blue Mountains. From the front I can see north... an open space stretching far into the bush... and from the back I can see south.. two valleys come towards my land, rush up the sides of this ridge and join together here at Inglewood... it is like my home is sitting in an energy channel. Don't get me wrong.. I do have neighbours across the road and next door but when I look directly out of either the front or back of my home.. there is an open channel far as the eye can see and beyond.

Under the pine tree, grow toadstools and many many times I have taken photos of orbs. Plants thrive, most times growing larger than the expected size. I remember when I planted a rose which was only supposed to grow about a metre high... 3 metres later it was like a triffid.. and bloomed every single day of the year. Tamarillos produce prolifically, oranges, passionfruit. My apple tree still survives despite being infested with borer. I often wonder if there are either leylines or a vortex in my yard. I often wonder if the leylines could be connected to those that run through the UK...when I put my hands into the earth, planting garlic or apple trees, I am in turn healed.. an energy exchange.

when I meditate visions of stone circles come into my mind... I see crystals hanging from trees & crystals being used to grid around my yard. I know that in my near future I will be doing something like this to help bring the energy grid of Mother Earth back into balance... and I am not the only one. There are many of us all over the world, doing the same. Not exactly the same as I am.. oh no.. some are investigating better ways to grow vegetables, using permaculture and dowsing. Others are living a simple life, not buying junk & crap, living a contented life, loving where they are.. others are planting trees.. the list goes on and on..Something is afoot. I can feel it. This is why I must play-act at being a hedgewitch.. it is something that I cannot ignore.. it gets stronger with each day.. sometimes in meditation I see nature devas helping me. Sometimes I see myself touching plants in my garden - an energy exchange, helping them to grow. Touching the Earth with my hands, healing & nurturing... I really do believe many of us, maybe healers in previous lives, have come back to heal again. this time to heal Mother Earth..

I was told once, by a shamanic healer, that my future would involve geomancy.. I had no idea what that meant.. until the other day I googled 'dowsing'.. and realized that they are connected.. so it seems to me, that I am in exactly the right place at exactly the right time.. I am now in the process of embarking on a correspondence course on Dowsing... by an Australia woman! at last! Alanna Moore

of course the dreaded voice of doubt is there, telling me that I am insane, deluded.. why would a simple person like me be an Earth Healer.. but you know, I think it is the simple people like us who make up the majority.. we don't need fame and fortune (even though fortune would be nice)... we know in our hearts that to heal the Earth is what it is all about.. so I am happy playing makes me happy.. it makes me tingle with delight.. it makes my soul sing.. anyone else out there as crazy & deluded as I am??


laoi gaul~williams said...

dearest robyn, you are a hedge-witch, not play acting!
for as long as i have been following your blog and e-mailing you have been just yourself, no signs of madness, you are not kidding yourself over what you are and what you do!
but i do know what you mean, i have at times felt the same way 'little old me?' but then i think no way...if you feel it then its there...a bit like the if you make it they will come!

Tori said...

The vibes this post gives off are healing and loving. I am so glad I had the time to read it this morning!

I think perhaps my (distant) future contains gardens. When I imagine my perfect life it definitely includes me gardening. Not right now, though. I can tell that now is my time for other things.

I'm glad that you're finding happiness in your gardening. You are obviously doing something magical.

Genie Sea said...

You are most certainly not deluded or crazy.

I don't know what dowsing or geomancy are but I know this. You are an Earth Healer. It was very obvious to me from the first moment I visited your blog. Your energy is HUGE! I am so happy you're getting in touch with it :) Thank you for healing our Mother. :)

Genie Sea said...

Oh! And if not you, who? What makes a person great is not who they are, but what they do. :)

Serena Lewis said...

you ARE an Earth healer! there isn't a doubt in my mind.

Carol H said...

It's nice to know there are others who think like I do, my fear has been, I must be crazy or deluded as well. I moved from the city to the country and have felt drawn to nature in a way that is not like everyone else. I too wonder, why am I here? and then I feel a tug in my heart that makes me just love the fact that I am here, at this spot in time. Thank you for your post...

Deedee said...

All of us should do all we can to protect and nurture our planet. It would be such a better place if we all saw ourselves as healers and protectors of the earth. Good for you, Robyn!

Sorrow said...

raises hand!
I loved this post..

gma said...

I too feel the energy, watch for signs and symbols, have opened my eyes to my inner awareness. My grandparents always dowsed (for more than just water.) My mom said she thought that's the way everyone found their wells. We are part of the same tribe....thats why we found each other.

Anonymous said...

You are crtainly a healer, follow your heart :-)

Ruth said...

This feels exciting Robyn. I'm sure we could link up like this! It makes sense to me anyway, and I don't think you are delusional at all.

amelia said...

My husband and his father dowse. I have never thought anything of it till now. I thought most people could do it.
I always wonder about our purpose on earth and have since I was a small child too. I wonder if we'll ever find out????
I also, think you're a wonderful woman. I love your sense of humour and your 'wild' side!!

Kathryn Knoll said...

So, it's unanimous, you most certainly are an Earthhealer, an Earthkeeper and you are not insane. It is those who don't see the wisdom of this post who are either insane or asleep!

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Robyn! Wishing you a lovely long weekend ahead. I am so excited about your geomancy adventures and course with Alanna Moore. This woman's work is wonderful isn't it? She has done work with our farmers over on the Eyre Peninsula, and there are definitely geomancy aspects at play in the ancient Flinders Rangers here, my most favourite of places. I went to some geomancy meetings in S.A. a while back, but they were doing a series on labrynths and I was more interested in the dowsing and practical side of it.I certainly share your enthusiasm. I can't tell you how much I appreciate every aspect of your writings, adventures and outlook on the things that happen in your life. Gemma was right... "part of the same tribe". You are a blessing.xx

Fire Byrd said...

You are a wise woman, coming to fruitition. You have been and are on a journey, the destination is getting closer as your awareness builds up.
You only doubt yourself cause we live in a world of 'new stuff' that we all get hoodwinked into needing, which we can only find out isn't required when we reach a certain age or level of wisdom.
Your inner voices Robyn are right, not delusional. Some people of course will see as wacky and I bet they have a plasma screen TV to prove it. There are more important things to attend to here and you are opening yourself to hearing them. Just have faith and don't go into plasma TV mode, it's too destructive. I maybe should have written all this in am email since I've taken up so much space.... but hey it's communication and love wherever it lands.
sunflowers and rose petals reign down on you always.

Leanne said...

nice post Robyn, from another who tries hard to protect our lovely earth too.

leanne x

Lisa said...

Are we deluded or are we in touch with things too fine and subtle for some people to see?

We can never see ourselves as others see us, and that is so sad. I look at you here, thru your writing, and I see exquisite sensitivity, deep spirituality, charming humility, and inherent goodness.

I love that you have identified this role. You are a natural earth healer and keeper. I am one too, in a different way. You are more gentle and nurturing - I'm out here as a warrior, trying to defend her, cleaning up creeks and fields as I go.

This post, this kind of post you make, is what I love about you.

Searching For My Willoughby said...

Sometime I get a feeling that something is happening, something that will change the earth. I don't know what dowsing or geomancy is (I will look it up). I'm not even sure what a hedge-witch is exactly but I think I have a good idea on that one. Your post made me feel so hopeful and sounds somewhat like where I feel called to go. I certainly hope you're not deluded, because if you are, then I am also. But then maybe it will be the deluded ones who heal the earth. It's going to take a lot of 'little old me's' listening to that inner voice to make it work.

J C said...

Robyn, I have seen photos of your home, your yard, your garden, your neighborhood and always was filled with wonder and a peaceful feeling, as if I wanted very much to BE there! Still, I had no idea you lived in such a vortex as these current photos show. I believe you are where you should be, you are doing what is right, your spiritual self is home. I have always been encouraged when visiting your blog, have always felt drawn. It's who you are. "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." xoxoxo

Wendy said...

Robyn you are a true Healer. Your comment about being in the right place at the right time confirms it.

I also feel the energy of this post and it's GOOD!
CyberHugs my friend,

Moonroot said...

Every bit as crazy & deluded! Glad to be there with you. :-)

jaz@octoberfarm said...

great blog...i just found you. you might enjoy mine as well. check it out when you have time!

Angela said...

Yes. I think we are all doing what we're supposed to be doing, or headed that way, and a lot of our energy is needed to heal the earth. Yours is a pure bright shining energy. And strong.