And all the men and women merely players;
ok, I am back and ready to go on this next step of the journey... had a fantastic time away, although it was raining and absolutely chilly, I did get to walk in the moonlight.. mainly on my way to the amenities block.. but everytime I did, I looked up and there was the Moon accompanying me..
we found a push bike for me and although she needs a little work done, I fell in love when Dutch husband got her out of the back of the car. She has a bell and a perfect rack on the back. I cannot wait til he works his magick and she is ride-able.
introducing Esmerelda:

I did alot of soul searching and you all know I do struggle with this journey of mine..I go from one persona to another in a blink of an eye, never knowing who I really am..oneday this person, the next day that - this hat, that hat.. and sometimes I think I may be a little loopy.. but maybe we all are. Maybe I am very normal.
but I found a solution, I think. I must play act. Each and every day, I must play act.. that is where my magick is. Whether it be Mrs March taking food or parcels to my sick friends, or little girls having cups of tea dressed from the dressing up box in their grandmas finery or a village wise woman who grows her own herbs and hangs amulets at the door to keep spirits away.. this is what I must do to keep myself sane and balanced. I must wear magick rose coloured glasses. It's ok to do that.
as I thought of how I could do this and I thought of how the voice of doubt is a constant companion, that voice that tells me to 'wake up to myself, I am a grown up, a 50yr old woman, a woman who should have more sense, a woman who has responsibilities and doesn't have time to play, to take those rose coloured glasses off'....
a memory of a friend came to mind.. when he turned 60. I put a party on for him with the theme of 'Arsenic and Old Lace'. Everyone was asked to come dressed appropriately and we had a bowl of vintage jewels for them to adorn themselves with, we had lots of old hats and lace shawls and one of our friends, an eccentric spirit, was having such fun, drinking copious amounts of champagne and adorning himself with a lace shawl and jewels.. a remark he made stuck with me: 'take a tip from us Queens, love, play & laugh..make magick'....

"playing house at the Gypsy Caravan"
and that is what I need to do... oh I know there will be days when I must be responsible and serious.. but even on those days, I must find a way to secretly bring the magick and play into my life.

Who says the playing has to stop when we are all grown up? Play and have fun!!!! Would love to come play. We could wear funny hats and have tea and talk silly...Oh then we could pretend we were going on an adventure then really go on one! It is all about having fun!!
Now that would be a great role to play - Mrs. March. You and Susan Sarandan. I would be Jo!
What an interesting final picture - the building is part part of the trailer. I've never see that.
Esmerelda is very fine. So is that way cool PT Cruiser in the background.
We adults need more play and magic in our lives. Cheers to you for choosing to wear your rose-colored glasses! xx
Pinch'n'punch Robyn and keep an eye out for white rabbits too.
I think you will have plenty of fun adventures with Esmerelda ... just remember to take your feet off the pedals and go whheeeeee every now and then *!*
Miis R~
you are PURE magic!
in every form, in every incarnation, no matter what you do, or how you play, living and sharing your many faces, you give me so much joy!
Thanks be to you!
sounds good to me, great even! i am 42 and dont think of myself as grown up really. i have thoughts like yours~i make sure my bills are paid when they need to, and shop and clean but inside and a good 99% of the time i dont think i am grown up at all, i am still the little girl who climbed trees and rode my bicycle with my friends playing cowboys and indians.
Esmeralda is gorgeous!!!
Never ever ever stop playing Robyn... Life is fun and magical and why on earth not. The older I get the more I love to play - yesterday Roger and I stripped naked in a secluded spot and bathed in ice cold water running straight from the fells. Crazy, fun and so invigorating - we were children again! I can just see the headlines - `granny caught skinny dipping!!!'
Your gypsy caravan is the best!...and you can keep your Ferrari's - I'm with you on the simple pleasures of restoring an old bike.There are many out there Robyn, who chase happiness and have not discovered the secret of it as you have - simple pleasures shared with those we love.xx
Did it ever occur to you that maybe this life, in body, is our higher selves playing...? As an art therapist, I see how theraputic play can be, trying out new things and new ways of looking at something we thought we completely understood, and finding after dressing it up in a "new do"we can see it from a whole new perspective. I think the days of sameness or predictibility are over. Everyday we wake up there is a whole new playground out there. We come here to play, learn, and especially to enjoy. what if coming into body is our Soul-self's way of going on vacation and having a new adventure? You never know.....
If we didn't have make believe our worlds would be very sad. I need to play, to talk to myself when it's bad it gives me some comfort, as if I'm my own friend telling me what I'm going to do next.
Yes, yes, yes, - we could make mudpies and throw them into puddles just to make a splash! We could make funny cupcakes with faces or animals on them and eat them all! We could make sandcastles and snow angels and weave stories about witches, magic brooms, and faeries!
You're never too old to play! I love that party you had and the person you quoted. It must have been fun to dress up in lace shawls and vintage jewellery.
Enjoy your bike. I ride mine a lot!
As one who spent a large part of her life wondering and worrying what others think I feel you have the right idea. I'm 60 and it's only been the last while that I have dared to be myself.. like me or not..I no longer care. Esmerelda is lovely, perhaps you can find one of those wicker baskets for the front.!
I think a little playing is always good for the soul. No one ever said we have to be serious all the time. I think dressing up and play-acting sounds wonderful and very creative. Go for it!!
PS - Esmerelda is a beauty! And I love your caravan.
Oh I have that same voice - "grow up" it tells me off all the time! Life should be fun, but we get too wrapped up in our "adult" lives. I'm going to take a leaf out of your book :-) Love Esmerelda.
Go Robyn!
You are so right. If we could all get over the hangups that our society puts upon us we would all be able to play much more easily and happily. I often tell myself not to be stupid then pull myself up and tell myself you have the right and maybe it is not stupid.
I know what you mean about feeling like you are different personas at different times. I can feel that way myself at times. I'm 50 too and I believe we are never too old to play, enjoy each moment and create magyck! WTG, Robyn!
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