
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Friday, 6 February 2009

i just gotta tell you...and then my lips are sealed

tomorrow, apparently I will be living in the hottest place on Earth, so our paper says in its headlines. Temperatures are expected to reach 47 degrees C... which is about 125F. quite hot. actually very hot. Even here in Woodford, where the nights are usually cool.. it hasn't dropped below 30 at night for over a week.
I am not complaining mind you. oh no, heaven forbid that I should complain in fear of Ms.Anon again... but I had to tell someone. I will be living in Hades tomorrow.. or at least it will feel like that. Like i have died and gone to hell.....
tomorrow when I wake there will be a much nicer post.


Leanne said...

just visualise yourself here in England, with out current snowstorms and freezing temps Robyn, that may help!

leanne x

Genie Sea said...

Screw Ms. Anon.

Sorry for the profanity. :)

I will send you snowball thoughts, and freezing winds that make your fingertips tingle to tide you over until the demons stop breathing down your neck!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a lover of heat, so I'm glad I'm here with the snow! I'll send you cooling thoughts :-)

Kathryn Knoll said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog! The very real picture you paint warms and entertains my soul. I am so grateful to have met you and want to read anything you write. Maybe it's time to write a book. No kidding. You've got a good start on it here. And about the spiritual part of you. It is so deep, you never have to worry about loosing it if you change the music you play. It's in your bones! Keep on being the lovely woman you are and it will be a blessing to your world. Hugs, Sr.K

Sorrow said...

or here in the states, where the ice covers everything and the temp is a balmy -11C.
sending cold thoughts your way! ( but not the frozen pipes!)

Lisa said...

You know the more I think about Anonymous, the more it pisses me off. Before I said it was "mild" but it really wasn't.

When you tell us everything, good and bad, the struggle and the victory, you are absolutely engaging, funny, charming, inspiring. Let's burn Anonymous in effigy - she is not welcome here! (well, it's your home, but if you want to banish her, I would love to help you.)

We love you just the way you are! Do not change anything.

Meanwhile - 125 degrees is TOO FREAKING HOT! My goodness, I wouldn't want to meet the simpering pollyanna who wouldn't complain about that kind of heat.

Fire Byrd said...

The ice cubes buisness must be keeping a lot of women's boobs cool! It must be utterly awful where you are.
Sending you cool cool thoughts. My fingers are frezing why I write this.

Fire Byrd said...

The ice cubes buisness must be keeping a lot of women's boobs cool! It must be utterly awful where you are.
Sending you cool cool thoughts. My fingers are frezing why I write this.

Mjfontaine said...

At least you don't have snow and Dark Days Robin :(

How about swapping for a while?

Anonymous said...

I thought of you a couple of days ago weh I heard about Australia's heat wave.
Yesterday morning driving to work, here in Maine the temperature in my Jeep read
- (minus) 17° farenheit and we have a good two plus feet of snow on the ground! . . . But the days are getting longer and the sun warmer. We are coming out of the tunnel and spring is right around the corner . . . or the oppisite for you!

Amy said...

hey Ms Robyn, just dropping by to say it's hot as hot here in NZ too. We've had hardly any rain for months and when it comes it's in very short minute spits. I'm so awaiting for autumn - my favourite season :-) How is your garden managing in the heat?

amelia said...

Robyn that's just awful!! I don't know how you endure it because I know I'd die for sure.

I complain about -40 but I'd rather have that than what you have. You whine abd bitch all you want!! This is YOUR blog, no one elses and as I said before , if they don't like it then don't ******* read!!!

Wendy said...

Genie Sea said it best. Screw Ms. Anon. And I'll send you a bunch of snowballs too. LOL!
Seriously, I can't even imagine that much heat!
Keep cool.

linda may said...

G'Day Robyn,
This summer has been a shocker hasn't it. I hope you have an air conditioner. When we lived in Urana years ago we had a week where it was real bad and a couple of days were over the 50C mark but it did not make the news. Our evaporative air con was blowing hot air. Must have been in the late 1980's I think. How did they ever manage before aircon. When I was pregnant we had none and I used to fill up the bathtub and lay in it.He he. HOT!

Everydaythings said...

we're right behind you - but not the hottest place here - its supposed to be 40C+ next week... looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Robyn, how are you managing?! It was a shocker of a day today (Sat.). I think we should send Ms. Annonymous to fight the fires, and then say "For godsake, it's just a few flames!!!" . Seriously, may we hold firefighters in our hearts. Can you begin to imagine what it would be like in these horrendous conditions??.

Janet said...

OMG! That's too hot for anyone! I can relate to the 100+º but I don't think we've ever been 125º!!
I'll be sending you some "cool" thoughts.

Everydaythings said...

Spent a long time listening to the ABC radio in the night most ditressing to hear people calling out for news on loved ones who wre in the fires and wherebaouts not known. My DD lives in victoria and I feel quite worried about her too! How are you coping with it all?

Julie said...

The hottest I have ever felt was 112 or 113. And that was like being in Hades. I cannot IMAGINE 125 degrees. Stay cool as best you can!

And like Leanne said, visualize yourself someplace cold, like ND!

Julie said...

The hottest I have ever felt was 112 or 113. And that was like being in Hades. I cannot IMAGINE 125 degrees. Stay cool as best you can!

And like Leanne said, visualize yourself someplace cold, like ND!