
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Sunday, 11 April 2010

what does an australian girl do on a lazy Sunday?

why, go on a bike ride of course!

for lunch,

via the beach road. [Austinmer Beach on an autumn day. Surf lifesavers sit and watch the swimmers and surfers]

with friends.[dutch husband & Fang (otherwise known as Rob) - not in the picture are Moi and miss Carol, Rob's partner who is a kindred sister soul ]

to a small village pub in the southern highlands..

'what would you like to drink?'... champagne cocktail for me.. thankyou.. so off to get drinks while we wait for lunch.

a quick look at the General store...

then back on the bikes to another little village for afternoon tea!

AND just what does it mean if you see two cars. two different cars. one in the morning and one in the afternoon. both had number plates with the letters GAB.. but numbers were different.. one had the numbers 111 and the other 444... I am thinking this is a sign from the angels.. GAB could mean Gabriel.. and triple numbers according to Doreen Virtue have a meaning... [tell me what you think]


gma said...

Numbers always have meaning for me. I don't understand them...but notice them often at important times. For example when I went to an ancient grave in Ireland after driving around trying to find it.When I got there my odometer read 444.4 miles.I always see triple numbers on the clock or at the grocery register. What does it mean?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like a delightful afternoon!

Janet said...

What a nice day! My Sunday has been quiet and a bit chilly. Nothing as exciting as a bike ride and a champagne cocktail for lunch!

Janet said...

Oops, forgot to say....444 is always very significant for me because that's the time of day when my son was born. Those numbers pop up in the strangest places for me, and for him, too.

amelia said...

What a wonderful afternoon! I really do envy you being able to do this. I know where I live has it's benefits but there is nothing like this anywhere. What you have shown and described looks more like England...

Anonymous said...

I like the number 11. Just to be different because ten is so well rounded,is the key feature of our decimal system, features far too often in rhymes and stories,so I'm a big fan of 11 just because!Why should ten have all the kudos.So I am using 11 more in my art work lately.Fun post Robyn. I like your way of looking at things.Your Sunday looks delightful.People like you with your champagne cocktails and number plate spotting make life fun and interesting.

Kathryn Knoll said...

It depends on what it means to you when you notice a synchronicity. For example: After waiting practically a whole year for my father's grave marker to arrive it finally did. After opening the box and inspecting it and then wrapping it back up, I found a penny on the floor underneath it. It was meaningful for me because my father would always say, "a penny for your thoughts." He also was a coin collector and loved looking at and pouring over old coins. I put a penny in his capsule when we interned his ashes as a way to honor him. I felt finding the penny where I did that day was his way of "winking" at me from beyond the grave. To me sychronicities have to mean something to you for it to be a personal message. Just having someone famous say it means something only means that it means that to them. If it means an angel message to you, then, that's why it is special...

laoi gaul~williams said...

what a lovely day :)

i watched the video of villa eggplant (what a wonderful name!) and dont ask me why but i was expecting an english accent on you and english/dutch for dutch'nt it odd how others sound in someone elses mind?!!!

Cheryl@Gingerbread Crafts said...

Oh you meant Bike ride, not the bike ride I was thinking about. When I saw the shot of Austinmeer Beach I thought that you must be fit, that was before I saw the shot of the bike you used.