
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Saturday 3 April 2010

messages on pumpkins and other such stuff.

this morning a trip to Katoomba to the co-op to buy some vegetables, teas & yoghurt.

[while I was paying for my co-op purchases, I noticed this pumpkin next to the counter.. apparently the grower 'writes' messages on her pumpkins when they are small, using a sterile pin and as the pumpkin grows, the words scab over.. very clever, don't you think? this message says :'don't treat our soils like dirt']

coffee at Fresh and then to the nursery to buy some seedling for autumn planting ~ I bought leeks, celery, spring onions, italian and curly leaf parsley and some lettuce. Pea and swede seed as well

a lovely time spent in the garden this afternoon..

I dug over the soil to plant the pea and swede seeds. constantly checking depth measurements with dutch husband ~ he is quite good at converting millimetres back to inches. [I still work in the old system of inches and feet.. centimetres I cannot get my head around] ~ [Joe does not garden, he is the chief cup of tea maker.. and when a big hole needs to be dug, he does that..the garden is my passion and he is my sometimes helper.]
once the seeds were planted, I marked where I had planted the seeds with some twigs, adding old jugs and bed knobs as a safety measure for the eyes.. I learned my lesson earlier this year.

[while I gardened, the bees buzzed busily in the vietnamese mint. I have no idea why I planted this as I have never used it at all, but the bees love it so that is all that matters really.. the more bees the better for the garden.]

a few hours spent planting the seeds & seedlings ~ and then Marion arrived with some beetroot seedlings, so they went in too.

it all looks a little bare at the moment.. but in a few weeks, the seeds will be up and the seedlings will have taken off [I hang quartz crystals in my vegetable garden and I talk to the nature divas, so my vegies do tend to thrive] & like I said yesterday, I may not get to harvest these vegetables, but I don't mind. I love to plant vegetables and if someone gets to enjoy the fruits of my labour, then I will be happy.
I hope you all have a fantastic Easter Day.. don't worry about eating any Easter eggs, I have eaten enough for everyone!


Diva Kreszl said...

love the carved pumpkin, amazing! my husband is my sometime helper too as the garden is my passion.

laoi gaul~williams said...

fantastic robyn~i love coming with you when you go out to go your shopping and coffee drinking :)

Janet said...

The writing on the pumpkin is so a little love note from your veggies.

mxtodis123 said...

I wish I still had my garden. I so loved this time of the year when I would be buying my seeds, clearing, and planting. My garden was my haven away from the world.

Beatnheart said...

Please don't stop blogging Robyn.. You would be sorely missed by me for one!!
You may have gotten more hot flashes from the sugar and chocolate... Hope you have (are having) a beautiful Easter..your friend, Cynthia

Fire Byrd said...

Ah so that's where my Easter egg went.... I wondered why I hadn't got any!! Well an inch on your hips is so much better for me than an inch on mine!
Have a lovely and peaceful Easter my friend.