
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Thursday 27 September 2007

September Full Moon in Woodford

the full Moon is in the sign of Aries today, at exactly 5.45am this morning here in Woodford - I can feel a stillness this morning as if the Moon is resting before she starts to breath out again .. According to my notes, this is the Air moon but wandering around my garden, with all the plants doing their best to put on a Spring display.. it just has to be a more creative name.. the first bird I heard as I stepped out my door was a little Bulbul, sitting in the ancient apple tree... I wonder if his ancestors have done the very same, year after year, spring after spring...visiting this tree at blossoming time to partake in some spring nectar? My lilac is just starting to open, promising a delightful perfumed future....
so this full Moon of September - I have decided to call "the Bulbul Lilac moon".

LILAC taken this morning at the full moon ~ September 2007

my crystals have been recharging in the moonlight for the past few nights, I have had the moonstone pendant charging under the Southern Hemisphere Full Moon in readiness to be sent to Leanne in the UK and a few other crystals that needed charging as well as my new chrysoprase pendant that I bought myself last week to help heal my inner child.

"Sun and Moon are directly opposite one another; some people can feel unbalanced at this time. What some cannot cope with is the pull of the different directions. The pull between our inner and outer lives. We must try to overcome this and use this time to fulfil our projects. Our creative juices run freely and we feel most inspired ~ The adverse effect of the Full Moon can be more on the physical body, if we can't channel our creativity at this time, we can become hyper, disorientated, feeling slightly off balance, in fact actually feeling the physical sensations of dizziness and sickness " ~ Daisy

Today I have week 5 of the Artists Way and I am really enjoying it - something is shifting on a deep level for me, I can feel it. Along with the counselling, the Soul Purpose book by Sonia Choquette and a few other things, I finally feel like I am finding soul peace. Life is indeed good here at Inglewood!

*~* I hope your day is filled with butterflies, magick, colour & fripperies! ~*~


Sheila said...

I'm so happy to read this.
It seems everything is falling into place for you at last. Your name for the moon is much nicer. Lilacs and apple blossom sound heavenly, and I bet they smell heavenly too.

Julie said...

So glad your life is good right now - and you get to have lilacs too. I can enjoy them twice a year now...once in May and once in September on your blog!


amelia said...

Lilac doesn't grow here, or should I say it grows but doesn't make it through the winter so we never have that wonderful scent!!!

It's good to hear that your life is going well!

peppylady (Dora) said...

So glad to read all is well and later on I'll get a picture of the moon and have it on my blog.

Leanne said...

soul peace is a lovely expression,I'm glad you are achieving it Robyn. The moon was indeed beautiful, and I too will be putting some pics on my blog shortly. i am looking forward to your moonstone Robyn, I charged some of my crystals under the moons' glow too.
Leanne x

gma said...

Dearest Robyn...I have missed you!
Your recent posts are so lovely. Yes I can see the tree spirit. The wonderful pictures of your homeland and garden. The AW helped me in many ways. So glad you are enjoying it too!xx

Ruth said...

I often go a bit more wappy than usual at full moon and this one was no exception!

Anonymous said...

Sweet post! It filled me with tranquility and joy for the light shining from you. I sigh in delight as I envision the Bulbul, the ancient apple tree, and the scentsation of your lilac in bloom.

Will email you soon about your Croning Ceremony...With LoVe, MW

Sweetpea said...

Glad that everything is good :)
As ever the words of Daisy's are always good to read. I can always exactly hear them as if she were speaking them to me!
Love the lilac xxx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, Robyn! I LOVE lilacs - there was one that grew beside the house I was born in, my grandmother had brought it with her when they came to California to escape the dustbowl - had been growing there for 60 years by the time we sold the house - I hope it's growing there still, it had the most glorious scent...
Glad life is treating you well. XOXO

Anonymous said...

This was a beautifully calming read this afternoon. I loved the pictures of the lilacs, too. This moon has been particularly beautiful for some reason - at least here in Southern California.

I was just thinking about starting the Artist's Way myself :) I've had the book for some time but haven't been drawn to reading it. Perhaps it is time.


Gill said...

Your posts reflect your new state of mind, and that is good~! They are lighter, happier.
Your parcel is still under construction, because it was originally for your inner child, and still is, but I am including your nature objects for the ceremony. I promise it will be enroute at the latest Monday.
Sorry to take so long, but I didn't have everything I needed, now I do!!!

Bimbimbie said...

Hi Robyn, those wise words from Daisy struck a chord with me when I read them just now. I've been feeling a little unfocused creative wise and until yesterday when I picked up some of my little sprites to embellish and now feel more focused. Smiles *!*

Everydaythings said...

just popped in for a second... eyes still sore and headache waning but still there.

thanks for lovely comments on my blog. I am charging up my pink agate, and its standing my my bed...I feel as if I need it. I'm so glad that the artists way is working for you! I havent read any sonia choquette, but she has cards I think online that you can draw and read online...can send you a link if you want. I really enjoyed the virtual tour throught that lovely bush! its sooo peaceful.

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to hear you are doing well. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Naturegirl said...

I certainly feel the pull in different directions hence my illness of Shingles. My dear mother who has Dimentia..the pull for me is just too much I suppose I have not yet wrapped my mind around this.
Lilacs in bloom oh...a lilac right about now to smell its perfume would be perfect.
It is good to hear that your spirit has lifted and all feels good.
hugs NG