when I first 'met' Sr.K through blogging, she talked about drawing hearts around people or events.. and I loved that idea.. I began to do the same.. and then I was taken with this blog :
RIPPLE sketches & I decided to create a little piece of art along the lines of the Ripple project..
what I did was this: I found an old map of the Gulf [I used an old encyclopedia, but it is easy to find one on the net as well].. drew a heart around the area and then created a collage - postcard size.. I will put it in my Soul Journal along with the Gulf Prayer... magick happens when I do this.. things manifest even if I close that journal and forget about it.. Shakti Gawain calls them treasure maps...
wanna join me in this? draw a heart around the Gulf!!
What a wonderful idea! Yes, I most definitely will.
What a lovely idea, Robyn! I live about 15 minutes from Gulf Shores.
On my way now to find a map!
Robyn, I love this piece of art! Drawing a heart around the Gulf region is what we need. Thank you for putting your good, positive energy out there for the help of that area.
I love the piece. I have a blog award for you!
Brilliant. And thank you for offering such beautiful tangible ways to express our sorrow, our hope and our regret for all that is being lost. I'm going to do a map collage today. Your's is beautiful and I can't wait to see the prayer flags. Much love to you. Glad to be back online so I can stay in touch better.
It HAS to help! xx
The people in charge of the clean up don't seem to be doing much..!
Sadly it is old news now, and although it still gushes, it is not on the news as much.
Complacency kills.
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