
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Tuesday 20 April 2010

a fantastic day

a long day for me today.. I am tired.. so a little bunch of flowers will have to do - these were on the artist Wendy's table, ready to be thrown into the compost


Diva Kreszl said...

they are so lovely! no wonder you're tired sweetie, you've been out galavanting for days :)

Janet said...

Get some rest!! Don't let yourself get run down....and don't worry about posting or any of the other bloggy stuff.

Fire Byrd said...

Pretty flowers. Garden flowers are somehow so much more meaningful than shop bought ones.

Tinker said...

I felt all hot and droopy after our garden tour the other day. Amazing how cool water and a good nap can revive you though. Hope you're feeling better by now too.

Serena Lewis said...

They're still pretty and colourful even though they are wilting.