
"She seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if she had surprised a butterfly in the Winter woods"
(edith wharton)

Saturday 15 November 2008

until the end of November

I have decided to take a break from here at Inglewood during November, while I travel the Soul Coaching journey.
Oh yes, I had all good intentions of posting here but Soul Coaching is taking alot out of me.
However, please do come visit (link is above), cause I am posting about my day and garden sometimes...
Otherwise, I will see you December 1st - here and also at the Land of Magick.. remember? It re-opens for December and Midsummer here in the Southern Hemisphere... spread the word!! xoxo


Michele said...

thinking of you, look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!


laoi gaul~williams said...

take care and look forward to december :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Robyn, I hope the soul coaching will be very good and I will be reading at the "onion" ; )
Have a great time and see you !!!